Flannel (definitely from Eddie Bauer but I can't find it!). Right shoe. Left shoe. Tank Top (a basic white tank you can get anywhere). Jeans. Sunglasses (similar).
Today’s look is definitely clunky. I met some friends in Manhattan for the day and I knew I needed to be comfortable enough to walk/run. It was also kinda humid, but not hot, so I needed to wear something temperature-comfy too. So, I went with my typical look: high-waisted jeans, something tucked into them, and an oversized piece of outerwear. Clunkier than ever.
I have a love/hate relationship with this tank top. It’s awesome to wear under things, but it’s not see-through, so I can wear it alone or with something over it, like a jacket or flannel. It also makes my boobs look really good because since it’s a racer-back, I need to adjust my bra, but sometimes it gets too tight and things get hella uncomfortable. The tank top itself is tight too, so it’s not ideal to wear if I’m changing my clothes a lot.
These jeans are basically my go-to jeans since they’re high-waisted, skinny, and they fit me really well! I have an interesting body type, so it’s kind of a miracle when jeans actually fit me. I also love the color. They actually look denim-y, and for some reason I don’t really like lighter colored jeans.
Another one of my dad’s flannels is making an appearance today! I wore this a few days ago with my pastel look. I forgot it existed until then since he just gave it to me, and I haven’t really broken it in yet. I really love this one. It’s sleek, but casual too. It has pockets and it keeps me warm. Occasionally it’ll fall of my shoulders, but I don’t mind that at all!
Now, onto my favorite part of the look: my shoes! I really just couldn’t decide between black and white Converse because I figured they’d both look good in different ways, so I put them both on and looked in the mirror. Turns out, I actually loved the mismatched look. No one really noticed, which I didn’t mind. I just
When will I learn to clean my mirror and not be awkward?! My headband is from Garment District.
thought it was something interesting and quirky. It’s not like I’m wearing a flip-flop and a moccasin, and both colors were in the outfit! I would definitely try this out again, even if my mom thought I was crazy.
I kept makeup simple, but did a bit of light brown/nude eyeshadow today. I’ve been trying to experiment! Jewelry was also normal, with blue and purple Pura Vidas (those have been the go-tos lately since pool blue and lilac are my sorority’s colors and I miss my sisters more than life itself). I threw on a headband since my hair was being crazy again. I think the solution to my multitude of bad hair days is going to have to be a haircut.
I said I needed to take more risks, and I did! I’m really happy with the way things turned out. What else can I try…