I honestly have no clue where I got these sunglasses, and this sweater is no longer being sold at The Gap. Helpful, right?
Happy Father’s Day to any of the fathers who read my blog and/or anyone who wears Dad hats to be funny! I celebrated with my family by eating a lovely brunch at a hotel nearby. Since it wa relatively fancy, I wanted to look fancy too!
I chose this blue dress because I figured it was classy enough, but casual enough to wear to the beach after (since the restaurant/hotel is on the beach) and to the movies later in the night. I’ve totally mentioned this before, but I bought this dress for my sorority’s initiation and I love it so much more than I thought I would. It’s so comfortable! I usually wear it with a long necklace, but I went with my normal one for today. The only drawback is that the fabric is kind of thin, so I need to wear a tank top underneath so the outline of my bra doesn’t show.
Stockings are always necessary for me, but I also wore these sandals to go with my jewelry. People think I’m crazy for wearing sandals/flip flops with stockings, but I just pull up from my toes, roll the fabric a little, and tuck it between my big toe and second toe. All fixed! I also threw on my cheer spanx to avoid any mishaps.
Since it was a little breezy, I wore the sweater that I wore yesterday. I guess it kind of matched my shoes/jewelry! It made the look a little more casual, but didn’t completely take away the class. And it kept me warm! I kept my makeup normal as well as my jewelry. I straightened my hair for the first time in a WHILE! The good hair days are back; bye hats and headbands!
To finish it off, I wore my sparkly silver sunglasses that I break out every once in a while. They look kind of crazy and overwhelming, but they’re actually not! They’re a cute, quirky little accent that I like to add every now and then.
On a side, note, you all need to see Finding Dory ASAP. My family and I (huge Pixar/Disney fans) saw it today and it was so so so beautiful. You know when you see a movie that you know you really needed to see at that point? This was that movie for me. Seriously, it was even better than Finding Nemo in my opinion.
Just Keep Clunking!