Shirt (no longer being sold by Candie’s). Jeans. Boots (no clue). Bandeau. Sunglasses (mine are a bit lighter).
Another day, another pair of new Charlotte Russe jeans! My family and I went raspberry picking today. It was hot, but I needed to wear pants since I was so afraid of being bitten by ticks and shoes that I didn’t mind getting dirty just in case it was muddy (spoiler alert: it wasn’t muddy and I could’ve worn whatever shoes I wanted but whatever).
Since I needed a light shirt, I picked out this lightweight, sheer one that I haven’t worn in a while. The buttons are kind of falling off, but I like it! I tucked this one into my pants too. What a surprise! I also wore a black bandeau underneath instead of a bra.
I went with black jeans and my mom’s dark brown boots. I wanted to wear mine, but like I said, I didn’t want to get them muddy. My mom gave me these, which were actually really comfortable and they looked kind of okay with the rest of my outfit. I’m not sure if I would wear them again, but they did the job. I matched my sunglasses to them.
My hair was a little bit messier since it’s starting to become un-straight, and I kept my makeup very simple, though when I looked in a mirror later I realized that I didn’t blend one side of my face so it
Can someone give me selfie lessons please?
looked all cakey and orange. I guess I need to be mindful of how much makeup I’ve been putting on! I also kept my jewelry very basic.
This look was very simple, so there’s not much to say, but if you ever get the chance to go raspberry picking, I would totally go! It’s a different experience, and raspberries are yummy.