Flannel is no longer being sold at Eddie Bauer :(
Dress (no longer being sold at Forever 21). Shoes (similar). Lipgloss.
Tonight, I went to a ~nice~ restaurant to celebrate my uncle's 50th birthday. Once again, I decided to wear something that I've never worn before! I think I've previously explained that my older cousins give me lots of hand-me-downs, and this dress is one of them. I decided that the perky colors made a gloomy weather day much brighter. I also thought that the dress was just nice enough to be worn at a restaurant for a special occasion, but casual enough that I wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb in my family, who enjoys dressing down.
Even though I never put them in my photos, I always wear shorts under my skirts and dresses so I know that I'm covered if I encounter a gust of wind or a wardrobe malfunction. They're not necessary shorts; they're more like Spanx. Some call them lollipops or bloomers. I got mine from when I was a cheerleader in elementary school, and I have some colorful ones from college cheer that you can find here if you're curious.
I slid on my cute hand-me-down sandals that I think matched well! Since they're clear, they were neutral enough, but they had gems on them to make them more ~dressy~. My bright yellow toenails were showing (as were my lime green ring fingers!), so I decided to add yet another pastel and go with my pink lipgloss, which always seems to make me want to duckface in photos! My hair was straight and I left my makeup relatively natural (except I went crazy with my eyelashes again, which I haven't done in a while!).
As I was leaving though, I realized that the restaurant would be cold, and I was wearing a strapless dress. For some reason, I thought that wearing my dad's flannel would be cute. I threw it on, not thinking it would look good, but I actually really loved it! It dressed my look down a bit, but I still fit in. And I had pockets! I love this flannel because it's solid black, so it's a bit more classy than the usual plaid flannel. I plan on wearing this more as well.
Jewelry was usual, and I wore my silver beaded and blue Pura Vidas. On a side note, did you know that Pura Vida sells adorable towels now?! Just a reminder, if you buy a towel (or anything on the website), I can hook you up with a 20% discount when you use my code, KristenBruck20.
I haven't been super fancy in a while, so today was a really nice change! I felt pretty and happy.
Keep Clunkin'!