Top (similar). Skirt (different color). Sneakers. Sunglasses (similar).
So, today was like one of the best nights of my life. I saw Halsey, one of my favorite singers ever, at Madison Square Garden. I’m exhausted, dehydrated, and I lost my voice, but here I am typing to you all about the outfit I wore, but I don’t mind, because it’s actually super cute.
It was really funny: I kind of looked like all the other girls there. Most of them wore denim shorts and crop tops with a choker. I think some of them felt the need to “dress” the part, but this is really my style. I love any excuse to wear my denim skirt. Last time I wore it, I tucked in my black tank. This time, I wore my black crop top with the cute cutouts. I loved how the skirt and top looked since the skirt was high waisted and the shirt was cropped. Me and my levels!
At first, I put on my black Converse. I had this dilemma last time I wore this skirt too. For some reason, white Converse just look way better with this skirt than black Converse do. I was gonna do my cute little mismatch thing, but I went with white instead. Another homemade choker made an appearance, this time from some black and white patterned pants. I thought the black and white looked cute with my top and shoes.
Makeup was normal, as well as the rest of my jewelry. My hair, however, took a scattered four hours to actually get straight. This mop has been so disgustingly wavy lately it’s not even funny. Thanks, humidity. Anyway, I really, I really loved this look.
Sometimes, I’m too tired to post. Even now, I’m super exhausted, but I decided to post anyway. After I start writing, I feel much better. I just need to push myself to do it!