shirt. shorts. sneakers. sunglasses (similar, mine are lighter!). perfume.
Happy Sorority Sunday! I’m actually seeing one of my sisters today! I’ve missed them all so much this summer, so whenever I get to see some of them I get so excited and happy. They put me in a great mood.
I really have been letting my love for Star Wars show in these past couple posts! I haven’t worn this shirt in a whiiiiile. It’s one of my favorites, but one of my friends accidentally washed it with her fluorescent pink shirt, and it dyed the sleeves a little. It seems to have worn out over time though, and you can barely tell.
This shirt was originally a full length T shirt, but I wasn’t a huge fan, so I decided to cut it! I love the length I decided to cut it at because it’s basically just a small T shirt. I love the way it looks with these shorts.
I wore my hair in my ever-reliable braids and wore my white Converse. I also wore Mad Love, another Katy Perry fragrance, and my wood sunglasses that are just the coolest things ever.
If you’re in a sorority, how do you stay connected to your sisters over the summer? Let me know in the comments!