The Clunkster

mayday mayday i'm being forced to grow up

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

shirt (gamma exclusive, sorry loves!). skirt (similar). sneakers.

Happy May! I can’t believe April is already over. Since I graduated in May, I’ve been enjoying a relaxing post-grad life, and it hit me really hard that everyone was leaving soon. I always feel bad when I don’t have enough time to see people that I really wanna spend time with, but I know I’ll see them the next year. But I’m moving back to Long Island at the end of August, so I won’t be a couple of T stops away from my friends for much longer :(

But I know myself, and I know that I’ll make the effort to keep in touch with the people I love. I think a true mark of friendship is when you can maintain your relationship even if you don’t speak every day and you’re on opposite sides of the country.

This subject brings me to my sorority’s recruitment theme for Fall 2018 (my last one ever), a Nu Home. We always say that Gamma brings everyone home no matter where they’re from. That’s why our symbol is the compass. So, our amazing Insignia Chair designed these, and it’s one of my favorite recruitment shirts.

I paired this tee with my denim skirt, and I really love the way it looked. I was nervous that the colors would clash a little too much, but the colors were just different enough that it worked. I love wearing tees with this skirt. I wore a white one for our recruitment video shoot, and I really loved how it looked (that look is coming soon, if you’re curious!). I brought in a little French Tuck action so I didn’t look like a little nerd. Not that tucking your shirt tightly makes you look like a dork, I just think there’s a time and place, right Tan?

I took this picture all the way at the beginning of this year (that’s why my mirror is in a completely different place fun fact), and I’m getting so excited to wear looks like this again! I’m already so happy that I can go outside with just a light jacket. It makes me feel so free.

What are you looking forward to this summer? Let me know in the comments!