The Clunkster


Stupid Cupid

The Clunkster Cupid Makeup.jpg

Dear Reader, it’s been a while! Alas, I’ll spare you the details: work, tired, no time. Great, we’re all caught up! 

In the midst of this work, tired, no time cycle, I’ve somehow managed to become reacquainted with a single creative bone in my body for one whole day! Of course, I had to take advantage. What you see here is the result of a lot of time and even more glitter. Introducing, Cupid! 

I’ve been quite open about my distaste for certain holidays before, but Valentine’s Day is not one of them! I freakin’ love Valentine’s Day. My parents always went out of their way to make sure I knew that Valentine’s Day wasn’t just about romantic love, but family love, friend love, self love, pet love, and love in general. Since I’m everyone’s token optimist, I’m pretty much legally mandated to celebrate this holiday to the fullest.
But I realized that I’ve actually never done a Valentine’s Day look! And people in the makeup community (am I a part of the makeup community?) often overlook everyone’s favorite loverboy. 

So I had a good think about Cupid. I usually view him as sassy, clever, and mischievous. Does glitter fit into that anywhere? Yes. All of it. 

And so the next several hours were full of making Tik Toks and trying not to pop out of this costume that was entirely too tight on me (thanks quarantine!). And I gotta say, I’m pretty damn proud! What do you guys think? 

summertime sadness

Style, Outfit of the DayKristenComment

overalls (similar). top (no longer being sold by Forever 21). sneakers. sunglasses (similar).

Hey cuties! Sorry I’ve been so MIA here lately, I’m packing my apartment up and moving my life back to New York! A lot is changing, which is really overwhelming, but they’re all good changes, so I’m getting excited. But first I’m gonna be sad about leaving the city I’ve spent the past four years in! 

Today’s look is cute and bright, which is a bit different for me. I actually just donated these overalls because they don’t fit me too well anymore, but I loved the way they looked with this adorable crop top I got at Forever 21 years back. I chose my red Converse to match the pops of color in the top, and my sparkly sunglasses because a fun look requires some equally fun eyewear. 

I’m getting so sad that summer is ending, but I know I have so much to look forward to in the fall. Comment your favorite summer memory!


dress (no longer being sold by Camille La Vie). shoes (I don't remember I'm sorry!). eyeshadow palette. lip crayon. perfume.

dress (no longer being sold by Camille La Vie). shoes (I don't remember I'm sorry!). eyeshadow palette. lip crayon. perfume.

Happy Monday! It’s a brand new week, which means a week full of new opportunities! I know I keep saying it, but I’m seriously so happy it’s summer. Life is so much more fun when the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and everyone has a bit less on their plates.

A couple weeks ago, my sorority had their Spring Formal! I love Formal because everyone gets extra gorgeous and it honestly makes me cry. This year’s theme was Old Hollywood, so everyone was looking so classically beautiful.

As soon as I got word of the theme, I thought of this dress. I saw it in the Prom issue of Seventeen a couple years back and fell in love. I bought it immediately, even though the only one left was two sizes too big and unable to be altered or returned! I ended up wearing it to my Junior Prom, even though it was a little big, and wore it again for my cousin’s wedding a couple years ago. Now that I’ve gained some weight and height, the dress fits me perfectly! I’m so happy I got to wear it again. I genuinely feel like a princess in this dress.

My shoes are also another blast from the past! I wore these to two Proms with a different dress. I loved them as soon as I saw them because they’re beautiful, classy, and dressy, but they’re not heels! I have knee problems, and heels really irritate them, so I try to go for classier flats. These are super comfy, and I don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort.

I kept my hair simple, just straightening it (it looked better before Formal, I took this pic after I got home!), and my makeup relatively simple, but glamorous. I contoured a lot more than usual, took extra time on my sparkly eye shadow, and bought a new lip crayon that I’ll post about soon! Spoiler alert: I’m obsessed.

Overall, the night was amazing! I had such a great time from beginning to end. This was the first year I was able to bring my boyfriend instead of just a date! He’s amazing and made the night twenty times better. Have you been to any ~fancy~ events recently? Let me know in the comments!