Shirt (this one is from Armani but it's pretty basic so you can get it anywhere). Hat. Leggings (similar). Sneakers. Sunglasses (mine are lighter).
Today, I saw Me Before You with my mom and aunt and to be honest, it wasn't as great as I thought it would be, but if you wanna see it, don't let me stop you! Since I knew I'd be spending my day shopping at Target and sitting in a movie theatre, I decided that it would be best to dress comfortably. Since it was also warm but relatively breezy, I knew that I would be most comfortable wearing pants and a long-sleeved shirt.
This shirt is one of the most comfortable things I own. It's like a double-hand-me-down: my cousin's husband didn't like it anymore so he gave it to her, and she gave it to me! It's perfect to wear as a pajama shirt and a normal shirt: Usually, if I wear this shirt during the day, I'll wear it to sleep too. I also wear this over my cheerleading uniform when I'm running through the cold to a different building before our games! It's light, but it keeps me covered, and it's super comfy. Versatility, my number one love.
Next, I decided to wear my lighter leggings even though they're ripping between the thighs! I really needed to get new ones. They look and felt great with this shirt! I threw on my white Converse to match my shirt and my Emerson Dad hat since I was having a terrible hair day. I was super comfortable no matter what I was doing, and I felt adorable. I kept makeup simple as well as my jewelry!
Aghh! My mirror's getting dirty again!
I definitely want to start getting a bit more risky with my looks. Whenever I try something new, I almost always end up loving it. I guess what’s stopping me is that most of my clothes are autumn-y, so that’s when I feel most comfortable taking risks. Maybe playing around a little more with my makeup would be good since I’ve definitely been enjoying that lately.
Keep Clunkin’