The Clunkster


whatever floats your goat, pig, or sheep!

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

sweatshirt (from a beach shop on long island). bodysuit (similar). leggings (from Primark). sneakers. sunglasses.

Happy November, everyone! This is one of my favorite months of the year: my birthday is on the 14th and Thanksgiving is coming up. Fall is my absolute favorite. I love taking in the seasonal shifts and inhaling pumpkin pie :) 

In true twenty-one-year-old-child fashion, I dragged my mom to the petting zoo at our local nursery! Going to petting zoos was one of my favorite fall activities as a kid. I would freak out over all the animals and insist that my parents keep giving me quarters so I could feed the goats and pigs. 

On this occasion, I provided my own quarters and had some touching encounters with a couple of sheep. A little boy and I made friends with an adorable pig who loved to be pet, and my mom was very surprised at how much goats love to climb. This is also when I informed her that goat yoga existed, and we had a discussion about the variety of tasks that goats can perform. 

After marveling at the assortment of beautiful birds, I resisted my urges to go down the Spooky Slide and went home with my mom. Little fall things like this make me so happy! 

How are you embracing the season? Let me know in the comments!

happy birthday to meee

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

tights. heels (similar).

Hey hey hey! I hope you all had a lovely week. It was my 21st birthday on Wednesday! I feel very old, let’s not talk about it. Instead, let’s talk about the cute outfit I wore when I went out to dinner with my parents to a ~fancy restaurant~. This is one of my favorite looks lately! I wore it to HerCampus’ College Fashion Week (which was so fun I need to dedicate an entire post to it sometime soon). It doesn’t look it, but it’s actually really warm, so it’s perfect for dressier events when I don’t wanna freeze completely.

Call me Steve Jobs, my black turtleneck is my ride or die. I tucked it into my denim skirt and wore my black tights. I also wore my new grey sweater, aka the love of my life, which made things extra cozy and made the look juuust a bit more casual.

For College Fashion Week, I wore this look with my beautiful black heels, but when I went out to dinner I wore my tan Timberlands. I absolutely love this look with the heels, but I was tired and the tan boots looked cute too. Heels sometimes require effort that I just can’t give. Like I said with the sweater, the boots brought everything down a notch without killing the vibe.

Since I was getting ~fancy~, I actually did my makeup (I know I’m shocked too) and straightened my hair! I forget how much I love getting all dolled up until I get myself to do it.

What’s an outfit that makes you feel awesome? Let me know in the comments!

mid semester blues

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

flannel (my dad’s, sorry!). leotard. leggings. sneakers. sunglasses. perfume.

Hey cutie patooties! It’s been a minute! I’ve been complaining a lot about how demanding my classes have been, but now that my last semester of New Member Education is over with (don’t let me think about it or I’ll cry again), I have more time to breathe, sleep, and blog! I’m so excited for all the fun things I have coming up for you all. Make sure you stay tuned so you don’t miss a beat!

As you all know, I love a good bodysuit. I wore my leotard with my lighter leggings for a trip to Target! This was back when I didn’t need a jacket. I miss the warmer weather already. Fall is my favorite season, but it got cold so quickly I feel like I got cheated! I wore this blue flannel that I very rarely wear. The color is so beautiful that the dark side of me gets intimidated. But I should definitely show it more love.

I wore my hair in a pony to get it the heck out of my face, and my classic black Converse. I also wore these really cool sunglasses from Spitfire! They’re edgy and different, which I’m always a fan of. I topped it all off with Royal Revolution, yet another superb scent from Fragrance Goddess Katy Perry.

What color(s) do you wear most? Let me know in the comments!

off-duty ballerina

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

leotard. leggings. sweater (no clue, i’m so sorry). moccasins. perfume.

Hello, my beautiful readers! Once again, I’m very sorry for the lack of posting. I’m still getting used to my crazy workload and settling into my new apartment, which explains my new selfie surroundings! My camera is also currently malfunctioning, so you guys get some old-fashioned iPhone photos for a bit.

Here’s a look I wore a little while ago that I really loved. I felt like I was heading to a ballet class, and it made me really miss my dance days. I’m not sure if I’ve ever talked about it here, but dance was literally my entire life for about twelve years. I took dance as a class in high school, and I did Kickline and Cheer on and off until last year too. I really miss it :(

To be filed in the Things I Never Wear But Love When I Do folder, my leotard! I always talk about how much I love my bodysuits, so I’ve been trying to wear them more, but I haven’t taken this cutie out for a spin in a while. She’s a little ~cheeky~ because the leg holes (??? you know what I mean) are kinda high, so my hipbones peek out a bit over my lighter leggings.

It wouldn’t be a Clunkster bodysuit look without some form of outerwear. Of course, I went with one of my many grey sweaters. I absolutely love the silhouette of this lighter one. It’s so comfortable and looks great with the leotard and leggings. And, of course, it’s very ballerina-esque.

I wore my insanely comfy moccasins, which I also don’t wear enough. My feet have been killing me lately from walking all over the city in my Converse. I threw my hair in a bun in true prima ballerina fashion, left my face bare, and called it an extremely comfy day.

Do you dance? What kind do you do? Let me know in the comments!

I'm Wearing Pants?


Sweater (no clue I'm sorry). Jeans. Boots (no longer being sold at Primark).

We’ve got a simple look for today! I'm absolutely in love with this turtleneck! I'm disappointed that I haven't worn it a ton this winter. I chose to pair it with a simple pair of jeans. I know, I’M wearing jeans?! It's definitely weird, but I'm getting used to them. They're perfect for the cold weather that' occurs in Boston. I'm also wearing my long-sleeved Under Armour underneath my turtleneck and a pair of stockings under my jeans for maximum warmth. I threw on my typical Clunkster boots as well.

Makeup is relatively normal today, except I have weird red rings at the bottoms of my eyebrows because I did a hardcore tweezing this morning. I'm also very happy with the way my blush came out since it's been a bit wonky lately.

I put my hair in an excessively high pony since I do that when my hair looks gross, and because I absolutely love the way ponytails look with turtlenecks for some reason. Maybe it's one of my levels things, I don't know.

Anyway, I love this look, and I hope you'll be seeing more of this turtleneck in the future!