The Clunkster

I'm Wearing Pants?


Sweater (no clue I'm sorry). Jeans. Boots (no longer being sold at Primark).

We’ve got a simple look for today! I'm absolutely in love with this turtleneck! I'm disappointed that I haven't worn it a ton this winter. I chose to pair it with a simple pair of jeans. I know, I’M wearing jeans?! It's definitely weird, but I'm getting used to them. They're perfect for the cold weather that' occurs in Boston. I'm also wearing my long-sleeved Under Armour underneath my turtleneck and a pair of stockings under my jeans for maximum warmth. I threw on my typical Clunkster boots as well.

Makeup is relatively normal today, except I have weird red rings at the bottoms of my eyebrows because I did a hardcore tweezing this morning. I'm also very happy with the way my blush came out since it's been a bit wonky lately.

I put my hair in an excessively high pony since I do that when my hair looks gross, and because I absolutely love the way ponytails look with turtlenecks for some reason. Maybe it's one of my levels things, I don't know.

Anyway, I love this look, and I hope you'll be seeing more of this turtleneck in the future!